Grand Prairie, TX Tree Service - Tree removal

Sometimes a tree dies and needs to be removed. Removing the dead tree to prevent any limbs from falling on your house, the neighbor’s house, or any other property that might be in the path of the falling branches. Dead trees can also become homes for unwanted bugs, fungi, or mold affecting you and your home.

When is the best time to remove a tree?

Removing a dead tree needs to be done AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  The longer the dead tree remains, the tree poses a potential risk to your property and human life. A dead tree can fall anytime or start dropping large limbs that can cause damage to roofs, surrounding structures, vehicles, and could potentially injure someone. This could potentially expose the property owner to legal liability if the dead tree is not taken care of soon enough.

Is a dead tree a tree emergency?

Even healthy trees can cause a tree emergency. A dead tree increases the risk exponentially.

Call the Grand Prairie, Tx Tree Service professionals to assess the situation.

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