Grand Prairie, TX Tree Service - Tree health

Tree health is important to prevent diseases from killing the tree. Pests such as bugs and infections can shorten the life of a tree. Sometimes preventative measures are needed to keep the tree healthy. Routine feeding of the tree can also make the tree resistant to stresses like extreme weather and pest attacks.

Tree Fertilization

Fertilizing trees can increase growth, reduce susceptibility to certain diseases and insect pests, and under the right conditions, help reverse declining health.

When is the best time to fertilize your trees?

According to the International Society of Arboriculture or also known as ISA the peak time is between spring and summer when the uptake of nutrients is at its peak.

What if my tree looks sick?

Call the Grand Prairie, Tx Tree Service professionals to assess the situation. A wide range of issues could cause the tree to look sick, from disease to insects. Your professionals at Grand Prairie, TX tree Service will provide the recommendations needed to help save the tree.

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